Sierra Nevada - Kings Canyon National Park - Taboose Pass 1971

This was the first of two trips to Taboose Pass. Click here for the second trip.

You will experience many biologic zones as this strenuous trail begins from the black lava rocks and sage of the Owens Valley floor. The trail climbs more than 6,000 feet as it follows the canyon of Taboose Creek between Cardinal Mountain and Goodale Mountain. Crossing over Taboose Pass leads to the John Muir Trail and destinations in Kings Canyon National Park. Click here for a trip by other people in 2014 with pictures.

On April 3-5, 1971 myself, Gil Beilke, Roger Getz and Bob Johnson backpacked on a fourteen mile round trip to 11,500' Taboose Pass.

The trail was a long climb from 5,400' on a dry/steep trail through beautiful country. We made camp at 10,500'. Gil & Roger climbed Stripped Mountain on Saturday.

On Sunday Bob, Roger and I went to Taboose Pass while Gil climbed Goodall Mountain. Peak climbs are relatively easy when you got to the pass.

Taboose Pass Route Map
Taboose Pass Route Map
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